Who We Have Helped
Feel free to donate to any of these fantastic groups. Links are provided to learn more about the great work they are doing in our community.
Life Changing Service Dogs for Veterans - https://www.padogsforvets.org
Neighbors for Neighbors - http://www.n4npgh.org
Stop the Judgement Project - https://stopthejudgment.org
One Day to Remember - https://www.onedaytoremember.org
Outreached Arms - https://www.outreachedarms.org
Neighbors For Neighbors - http://www.n4npgh.org
VolunTots of Southwestern PA - https://voluntots.org
Harvest Street Mission - https://www.harveststreetmission.org
Inspired Hearts & Hands - https://inspiredheartsandhands.com
Neighbors for Neighbors - http://www.n4npgh.org
Dalton Bacco Living the Dream Fund
Inspired Hearts and Hands - https://inspiredheartsandhands.com
Club Hope Foundation - https://clubhopefoundation.com
Neighbors for Neighbors — http://www.n4npgh.org
Ready Yourselves Youth Ranch —http://www.ryyr.org/our-program
CASA of Allegheny County—https://pgh-casa.org
Sleep in Heavenly Peace—https://www.shpbeds.org
Once Upon a Hero---http://www.onceuponahero.org
Neighbors for Neighbors — http://www.n4npgh.org
Magee Women’s Research Institute and Foundation — https://mageewomens.org
Seneca Valley Foundation—https://www.mightycause.com/organization/Seneca-Valley-Foundation
Once Upon a Hero---http://www.onceuponahero.org
National Foundation for Transplants in honor of Bill Hutz-http://give.transplants.org
Beaver Falls Children’s Museum-https://www.beaverfallscdc.org/childrens-museum
CASA of Allegheny County--http://www.pgh-casa.org
McGuire Memorial-www.mcguirememorial.org
Neighbors for Neighbors--http://www.n4npgh.org
Once Upon a Hero---http://www.onceuponahero.org
I Carry My Sister's Heart--https://icmsh.org
Mighty Penguins Sled Hockey--http://penguinssledhockey.org
JDRF ---www.jdrf.org
The Children's Institute of Pittsburgh ---www.amazingkids.org
Mars Home for Youth ---http://www.mhyfamilyservices.org
The Cranberry Public Library---http://pa-cranberrytownship3.civicplus.com/830/Librar
Past Nominees Include
Please take a minute to learn about these fantastic groups that are doing good in our community!
Mars Robotics Association - https://www.marsroboticsassociation.org/about
Connected Nest - https://connectednest.org/about/#
Hello Neighbor - https://www.helloneighbor.io/about
Empowering Moms - https://www.intotocommunity.org/programs/empowering-moms-program
Cranberry Public Library - https://www.cranberrytownship.org/2839/Library
Seneca Valley Foundation - https://www.svsd.net/Page/25928
Refuge for Women-Pittsburgh - https://refugeforwomen.org/pittsburgh/
Miracles360 - https://www.miracles360.org
Children’s Advocacy Center of Butler County - https://www.butlercountycac.org
Club Hope Foundation - https://clubhopefoundation.com
Zip With Us - https://zipwithus.org
Pets for Vets - https://www.thinkingoutsidethecage.org/our-programs/veterans-services/
Neighborhood North Museum of Play - www.beaverfallscdc.org/neighborhood-north
Cranberry Cup - http://www.cranberrycup.org
Butler Home Education Network - http://bhenemail.wixsite.com/butlerhomeednetwork
Life Changing Service Dogs for Veterans - www.lifechangingservicedogsforveterans.org
Gentle Ben's Giant Breed Rescue - www.gentlebensgiants.org
The Proper Pit Bull - http://www.theproperpitbull.org
Once Upon a Hero - http://www.onceuponahero.org
CANDLE, Inc - http://www.candleinc.org/index.php/reality-tour
Zelienople Park - https://myzeliepark.org
The Superhero Foundation - http://www.thesuperherofoundation.org
Kaelen's Krew-Epilepsy FoundationWestern/Central PA - http://www.efwp.org
Butler County Family YMCA - www.bcfymca.org
The Caring Place - https://www.highmarkcaringplace.com
Jean B. Purvis Community Health Center - https://www.butlerhealthclinic.org
Zelienople Area Swim Club - https://www.teamunify.com
Miracle League of Moon Township - http://miraclesinmoon.org
Ready Yourself Youth Ranch - http://ryyr.org
Gwen’s Girls - http://gwensgirls.org
Homeless Children’s Education Fund - https://homelessfund.org
Social Revolution - https://social-rev.com
Senior Heart Rescue & Renewal - https://seniorhearts.org